Daily Scripture Readings

Daily Scripture Readings
July 14 – July 20

Monday:  James 4:13-5:6
What does James say about powerful and arrogant people who act without justice?

Tuesday:  James 5:7-12
Who do you know who has been a good example of patient suffering?  What can you learn from them?

Wednesday:  James 5:13-20
James is encouraging several ways of praying. What are they?

Thursday:  Job 1:13-22
What are we to do in the face of great tragedy?  How are we to pray?

Friday:  Job 42:1-6
Job chose to trust God’s loving character even in tragic circumstances and deep grief.

Saturday:  1 Kings 18
Simply read this record of Elijah’s faith, allowing your imagination to picture the events.

Sunday:  Psalm 103
Read this Psalm aloud.  What verses do you find most comforting?